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    Quantitative Acetylproteomics Service

      Acetylation is a highly conserved and reversible post-translational modification. It mainly takes part in regulating gene expression through modifying nuclear histones, but can also regulate several metabolic enzymes and metabolism pathways. There has been over thousands of acetylated proteins identified in proteomics studies. However, most acetylated proteins has very low abundance, hence, enrichment of acetyl-peptides can help to increase the sensitivity of mass spectrometry analysis. We use CST acetylation-specific antibodies for acetyl-peptide enrichment, and use 2-3 different enzymes for protein digestion to ensure full scan of acetyl-peptides. Moreover, the MS analysis can also be coupled with iTRAQ/TMT labeling or SILAC labeling to further increase the accuracy of relative quantitation between samples.

      MtoZ Biolabs has developed a specialized platform equipped with Q Exactive HF (Thermo Fisher), Orbitrap Fusion, and Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometers, equipped with Nano-LC for Quantitative Acetylproteomics Service. To better solve your research problems, we offer an all-inclusive service, including protein purification, digestion, peptide labeling and enrichment, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis and bioinformatics analysis. All you need to do is to tell us your project objective, and send us your samples, and we will complete all the following experiments.

      Analysis Workflow



      Service Advantages

      1. High-Through Analysis, and Quantitatively Analyze Several Sample at Once, When Coupled With Sample Labeling
      2. Large Scale Analysis of Acetylated Proteins, Including Low Abundance Proteins and Peptides
      3. Highly Accurate Nano LC-MS/MS Detection System
      4. Professional MS Data and Bioinformatics Analysis


      Sample Submission Requirements



      Note: We will perform testing experiment before official experiments begin. To ensure the most cost-effective and accurate analysis is provided, only qualified samples will proceed to the official analysis.



      1. Experiment Procedures
      2. Parameters of Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer
      3. MS Raw Data Files
      4. Peptide Identifications and Intensities
      5. Protein Identifications and Acetylation Site Mapping
      6. Bioinformatics Analysis


      Related Services

      PTM Analysis

      Phospho Proteomics
      Acetyl Proteomics
      Ubiquitin Proteomics
      Glyco Proteomics
      Disulfide Bond
      Histone Modifications

      Protein Analysis

      Protein Identification
      Protein Mass Measurement
      PTMs Identification

      Protein Sequencing

      Protein De Novo Seq
      N-Terminal Sequencing
      C-Terminal Sequencing
      Edman Degradation
      Protein Full-Length Sequencing

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