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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Protein Sulfation Mass Spectrometry Identification

      Sulfation is a potent post-translational modification (PTM) that plays a crucial role in cellular biology. However, the identification and quantification of sulfated proteins have always been a challenge due to their low abundance and instability. The development of mass spectrometry technology in recent years has provided us with powerful tools to address this issue. In this article, we will explore the mass spectrometric identification of sulfated proteins.

    • • Mass Spectrometry Ubiquitination Molecular Weight

      Ubiquitination modification is one of the most common forms of post-translational modification in biological molecules, playing a key role in regulating protein homeostasis, cell cycle and immune response, among other biological processes. Therefore, accurately quantifying and identifying ubiquitination modification sites is crucial for understanding the molecular mechanisms of these biological processes.

    • • Mass Spectrometry Method for the Detection of HCP Residues

      Mass spectrometry is a highly sensitive qualitative and quantitative analysis method that has developed rapidly in recent years. Its application fields include biopharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring, food safety testing, and many other fields. In the field of biopharmaceuticals, it has a unique advantage in the analysis of proteins and peptide drugs. This article mainly discusses the application of mass spectrometry in the detection of host cell protein (HCP) residues.

    • • Qualitative Lactic Acid Modified Protein Composition

      Lactylation is an important protein post-translational modification that regulates the structure and function of numerous proteins within the cell.

    • • Protein Mass Spectrometry Sequencing Result Filtering

      Protein mass spectrometry is a vital tool for analyzing protein expression, modification, and interaction. However, protein mass spectrometry data typically contain a large amount of noise, challenging the protein identification accuracy. Hence, filtering mass spectrometry sequencing results is of great significance.

    • • What Is Protein Resequencing

      Recombinant protein sequencing is a common technique in biotechnology, which involves the use of biotechnology to sequence proteins, to determine their amino acid sequences. This process typically involves two steps: first, the protein is cut into smaller fragments, and then these fragments are sequenced using mass spectrometry techniques.

    • • Can Mass Spectrometry Detect Protein Sequences?

      Mass spectrometry is a method of substance analysis based on the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. In the mass spectrometer, the sample to be tested is ionized to generate ions, which are then separated according to their mass-to-charge ratio through an electric or magnetic field, and finally, a mass spectrum is generated according to the relative abundance and mass-to-charge ratio of the ions.

    • • Peptide Sequence Determination of Cyclic Peptides

      Cyclic peptides are bioactive substances with a ring-like structure formed by the connection of two or more amino acids through peptide bonds. Cyclic peptides have high structural stability and are not easily hydrolyzed by enzymes. Therefore, they have a very wide range of applications in biology, medicine, chemistry, drug research and development, and other fields. Knowing the peptide sequence of cyclic peptides is a key to understanding its structure and function and developing related drugs.

    • • LC-MS Detection of Host Protein Residues

      Host protein residues are a critical quality control parameter in biopharmaceutical production. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is a highly effective, highly sensitive, and highly accurate analytical technique, and it is an effective way to study host protein residues.

    • • Peptide Mass Spectrometry Detection Project

      Peptide mass spectrometry is the use of mass spectrometry technology to analyze and detect peptides. Mass spectrometry can be used for molecular weight determination, structural analysis, and isotope abundance determination, etc. The application of peptide mass spectrometry is extensive. It can be used not only to identify unknown peptides but also to perform quantitative analysis on known peptides.

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