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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Where Can I Download Data on Proteomics?

      1. PRIDE Database PRIDE (The PRoteomics IDEntifications database) is a bioinformatics database maintained by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) that provides a wealth of proteomics data. This data can be freely downloaded from the official PRIDE website. To download data from PRIDE, first visit their official website. Then, enter the keywords of the protein or experiment you are interested in the search bar.

    • • Ubiquitin Detection by Immunoprecipitation Band

      Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification process that involves various biological processes, including signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, cell stress responses, and cell apoptosis. It plays a crucial role in maintaining protein homeostasis, regulating various biological reactions in cells, and ensuring the normal physiological functions of organisms. Immunoprecipitation is a commonly used method for detecting protein interactions.

    • • Process of IP Mass Spectrometry

      The process of IP-MS (Immunoprecipitation Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis) mainly includes the following steps.

    • • Perform Protein Mass Spectrometry After IP

      Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a method of purifying proteins. The principle is to incubate the antibody of the target protein with the sample extract, allowing the antibody and protein to bind in the solution. Then the antibody/antigen complex is extracted from the sample with agarose gel coupled with bacterial protein A/G. IP mainly captures target proteins and their interacting proteins selectively. If you want to quantify these proteins, you need to cooperate with other technologies.

    • • The Application of Shotgun in Proteomics

      In proteomics, the Shotgun mass spectrometry method is a commonly used technique for identifying and quantifying proteins in complex samples. This method digests protein samples into small fragments (such as peptides) and then analyzes them using a mass spectrometer to obtain information on the proteome.

    • • Birdshot Proteomics Sequencing

      Protein sequencing is the determination of the primary structure of proteins, which is the sequence of amino acids that make up the protein. The primary structure of a protein largely determines its spatial structure and biological functions. Currently, commonly used protein sequence analysis methods mainly include terminal sequencing methods (such as Edman degradation method and carboxypeptidase method) and mass spectrometry-based methods. Shotgun is a mass spectrometry-based protein sequencing method.

    • • Proteomics Technology 4D

      In 2018, 4D proteomics officially entered the public view. Compared to traditional 3D proteomics, 4D proteomics adds the concept of ion mobility, in addition to retaining retention time, m/z, and intensity, thereby significantly improving scanning speed and detection sensitivity. Ion mobility, also known as ion drift rate, refers to the speed at which an ion passes through a certain gaseous area under unit electric field strength, which is often related to the shape, size, and charge state of the ion.

    • • Detection of Histone Lactylation Modification

      Histone acetylation is a widespread post-transcriptional modification in eukaryotes that plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including regulation of gene expression, cell cycle control, and environmental stimulus response. Therefore, research on histone acetylation modifications has significant implications for a deeper understanding of physiological and pathological processes in organisms.

    • • Does DSF Detection Require Protein Purification?

      Differential Scanning Fluorimetry (DSF), also known as melt curve analysis or thermal stability assay, is a commonly used technique for assessing protein stability and screening drug targets. DSF determines the stability of a protein by measuring its melting temperature (Tm) as the temperature rises. Melting occurs when the protein transitions from a structurally stable state to a disordered state. The Tm value of a protein can serve as an important indicator of its stability.

    • • Plant Stem Vein 2D-DIGE Quantitative Proteomics

      The vascular bundles of plants are their lifelines, responsible for transporting water and nutrients to the entire plant body. In this complex transportation system, proteins play a central role, supporting various biological functions of stem veins. To deeply understand how proteins in the stem veins interact with plant growth, development, and adaptability, the 2D-DIGE quantitative proteomics technique was born.

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