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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Detection of Protein Alkylation Modifications

      Protein alkylation is a common post-transcriptional modification process that plays a significant role in biology. This modification involves the addition of alkyl groups (such as methyl and ethyl) to the amino acid residues of proteins, such as arginine, lysine, glutamic acid, etc. Alkylation modifications have a significant impact on the structure and function of proteins, including protein stability, interaction, and cellular localization.

    • • Screening Antibodies by Single Cell Sequencing

      Researchers have long been striving to identify antibodies that can combat pathogenic microorganisms. However, traditional methods of antibody discovery require substantial time and effort and often fail to identify the most effective antibodies. In recent years, the advancement of single-cell sequencing technologies has offered a new possibility for the screening of antibodies.

    • • Can Impure Proteins Be Sequenced?

      In biological experiments, protein sequencing is a critical technique that enables the determination of the amino acid sequence of proteins, thereby revealing their function and structure. However, a common question arises: is it possible to sequence impure proteins? This paper will explore this issue.   Importance of Protein Purity Firstly, let's understand why protein sequencing requires high purity proteins.

    • • Methods for Detecting Residual Host Proteins

      The method of testing for host protein residues is to ensure the purity and safety of biopharmaceuticals. In the production process of biological drugs, host cell proteins (HCPs) produced by the production cells may remain in the final drug product, and the presence of these proteins may affect the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies need to adopt effective methods to detect and quantify the residues of these host proteins.

    • • Dynamic Light Scattering Particle Size Analysis

      Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) is a technique for assessing the dynamic behavior of particulate matter in solution. This technique is mainly aimed at particles on the nanometer to micron scale, and obtains particle size distribution by measuring the Brownian motion of particles in solution.   The basic principle of DLS is to scatter laser light onto the particle surface, and the particles move randomly and irregularly in Brownian motion, causing the intensity of scattered light to fluctuate over time.

    • • The Importance of Edman N-Terminal Sequencing

      Edman N-terminal sequencing is a significant biochemical technique, primarily used for determining the amino acid sequences of proteins or polypeptides. This technique was developed by Swedish chemist Pehr Edman in the 1950s, hence it was named Edman degradation and also used as the primary method for determining the N-terminus of proteins. With its unique advantages, Edman N-terminal sequencing holds significant value in biochemical research and biomedical applications.

    • • What Does the Protein Sequencing Result Graph Look Like?

      Protein sequencing is a fundamental step in biological research, the main goal of which is to determine the amino acid sequence, that is, the primary structure of the protein. The sequencing results are usually presented graphically to help researchers better understand the structure and function of the protein.   General Style Generally speaking, the graphical representation of protein sequencing results mainly includes two parts: the amino acid sequence and a pairing diagram.

    • • N-Terminal Closed Sequencing

      In the field of biological research, sequencing is a technique used to determine the exact sequence of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, or proteins. While there are various forms of sequencing, an important distinction lies in whether all sequences are determined or only specific parts are targeted. N-terminal sequencing is a unique form of sequencing that primarily focuses on one specific endpoint of the sequence—the N-terminus.

    • • Bokes AB Antibody Sequencing

      Boxcab Antibody Sequencing is an important experimental method commonly used in studying cellular and protein responses. In biomedical research, antibodies are a powerful tool used in the detection and quantification of target antigens. However, a comprehensive understanding of the antibody requires knowledge of its amino acid sequence, which can be achieved through antibody sequencing.

    • • Protein Content Determination by Lowry Method Standard Curve

      The Lowry method, also known as the Lowry method, is a commonly used biochemical analytical method for determining total protein content. The method was proposed by Oliver H. Lowry et al. in 1951. It is based on the absorbance of the complex produced by the reaction of protein with phenol and copper ions at a specific wavelength, thereby calculating the concentration of the protein.

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