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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • What Is the Recombination of Type III Collagen?

      Recombinant Type III Collagen is a type of collagen protein produced through biotechnological methods. In nature, collagen is a vital structural protein, widely present in the skin, bones, tendons, and other connective tissues of humans and animals. Type III collagen is particularly common in newly formed connective tissues and rapidly growing tissues, such as during the wound healing process.

    • • Qualitative Detection of Recombinant Human Collagen Protein

      Collagen, as one of the most abundant proteins in the human body, plays a key role in maintaining the integrity and function of tissue structures. With the development of bioengineering technology, recombinant human collagen (rhCollagen) produced by recombinant DNA technology has been widely applied in various fields such as medicine, cosmetics, and tissue engineering.

    • • T Cell Antigen Receptor Sequencing

      The T cell antigen receptor (TCR) is a characteristic marker of T cells, playing a crucial role in the immune system. Each T cell typically expresses a specific TCR, which has a unique structure and sequence that can recognize different antigens, including bacteria, viruses, tumor cells, and other pathogens. Once the TCR binds to the antigen, the T cell initiates an immune response, generating cytotoxic effects, secreting cytokines, and coordinating the activities of other immune cells.

    • • Protein Phosphorylation Mass Spectrometry Analysis

      Protein phosphorylation is a type of post-translational modification catalyzed by protein kinases and phosphatases (PP), playing crucial roles in many cellular processes including the cell cycle, growth, apoptosis, and signal transduction pathways. To understand these mechanisms, it is essential to analyze protein phosphorylation. There are many methods for phosphorylation analysis, including kinase activity assays, development of phosphorylation-specific antibodies, protein blotting

    • • Chemistry Proteomics

      Chemical proteomics is one of the important approaches in chemical biology research. It differs from traditional proteomics techniques that focus on qualitative or quantitative identification of proteins. Chemical proteomics aims to investigate the interactions between proteins in complex systems such as cell lysates, live cells, and tissues, and small molecule drugs using a variety of functional chemical probes in combination with proteomics techniques.

    • • Detection of Binding Activity of Antibody Drugs

      The evaluation of binding activity of antibody drugs (such as monoclonal antibodies) is a key step in ensuring their efficacy and safety in the drug development and quality control process. Binding activity refers to the ability of an antibody to bind to its specific antigen. Here are some commonly used methods for evaluating the binding activity of antibody drugs:

    • • Peptide Sequence Determination by MS-MS

      Peptide sequence determination is a core component of proteomics research, which involves the precise identification of protein or peptide sequences. MS-MS, also known as tandem mass spectrometry, is a powerful technique used to achieve this goal. This article will introduce the basic principles of peptide sequence determination, the working mechanism of MS-MS technology, and its applications in biomedical research.

    • • N-Terminal Sequence Analysis of Platelet Proteins by MS

      Platelets, also known as thrombocytes or blood clot cells, are important components in human blood. They play crucial roles not only in coagulation and hemostasis but also in inflammation, immune regulation, and tumor formation and development. The protein composition and changes of platelets are essential for understanding these biological processes.

    • • Metallic Elements in Fish Tissue

      In the field of food safety and nutritional science, precise analysis of metal elements in fish tissue is particularly important. MtoZ Biolabs uses cutting-edge technology to perform comprehensive detection and analysis of metal elements in fish tissue, providing important data support for researchers and industry experts.

    • • How to Detect the Ubiquitination Level of a Protein

      Ubiquitination is a widely occurring protein modification that regulates the localization, activity, stability, and interactions of proteins, playing important roles in cellular functions and biological processes. Therefore, detecting the ubiquitination level of a protein is of great significance for understanding its function and regulatory mechanisms. This article mainly introduces how to detect the ubiquitination level of a protein.

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