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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Shotgun Proteomics

      Shotgun proteomics is a technique used for the large-scale identification and quantitation of proteins. This method utilizes mass spectrometry technology and is capable of rapidly and high-throughput analyzing the protein composition within complex biological samples. The process of Shotgun proteomics usually begins with the extraction and digestion of proteins.

    • • Proteomic Analysis

      Proteomic analysis is a technique used to study the expression, function, and interactions of all proteins in cells, tissues, or organisms. This analysis is critical for understanding biological processes, disease mechanisms, and the discovery of new drug targets and biomarkers. The main methods and applications of proteomic analysis include: Mass Spectrometry (MS): Most commonly used technique in proteomic research.

    • • How to Interpret a Circular Dichroism

      Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is an analytical technique used to study molecules, particularly large biological molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. It is based on the difference in absorption of left-handed and right-handed polarized light by molecules. Here is a basic guide to interpreting a circular dichroism spectrum: Understanding the structure of the chart: The horizontal axis (X-axis) typically represents the wavelength (in units of nanometers, nm). The vertical axis (Y-axis)

    • • Lactylation Proteomics Analysis

      "Lactylation proteomics analysis" refers to the systematic study of protein lactylation modification. Lactylation refers to the modification of a protein on a specific lysine residue through a reaction with lactate. This is a post-translational modification (PTM). In recent years, with the rapid development of metabolomics and proteomics, it has been discovered that lactate is not only an intermediate product of metabolism but also plays an important role in cell signaling, gene expression regulation

    • • Overview of Antibody De Novo Sequencing

      Antibody de novo sequencing is categorized based on the type of antibody samples. We typically describe antibody samples by their "clonality," which refers to the number of different antibody sequences or genetic lineages present in the sample.

    • • What are the Differences in Targeted Proteomics Techniques?

      What are the distinctive features of targeted proteomics techniques? They can be broadly categorized into several types: MRM/SRM, PRM, and SWATH/DIA. Today, MtoZ Biolabs will introduce two of the more representative ones.

    • • Ten Q&As on De Novo Protein Sequencing

      Protein de novo sequencing is a groundbreaking technology that directly determines amino acid sequences without relying on any known sequences or protein databases. It is crucial in medical diagnosis and treatment. To address common questions and concerns regarding sample requirements and details for de novo protein sequencing, MtoZ Biolabs has compiled the following frequently asked questions for your reference.

    • • Protein Identification

      Proteins are among the most crucial biomolecules in living organisms, playing a pivotal role in various physiological processes. Identifying and analyzing protein properties is essential for understanding biological functions and disease mechanisms. There are numerous methods for protein identification and analysis, ranging from traditional methods like burning and chemical reactions to modern mass spectrometry techniques.

    • • Protein Analysis

      Proteins are fundamental to life, performing a wide range of functions and exhibiting complex structures. To gain a deeper understanding of proteins, analyzing their properties is crucial in molecular biology and biochemistry. This article discusses key aspects of protein property analysis, including electrophoresis analysis, isoelectric focusing, electrophoresis pattern analysis, mass spectrometry analysis, and protein structure elucidation.

    • • The Sample Requirements of Protein Mass Spectrometry

      Mass spectrometry is a powerful analytical technique that provides detailed information about protein composition, structure, and modifications. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the analysis results, the sample requirements are relatively strict and must meet the following criteria.

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