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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Single Clone Antibody Variable Region Sequencing

      Monoclonal antibodies are highly specific biological molecules that have important applications in various fields such as disease diagnosis, treatment, and biomarker discovery. Monoclonal antibodies can trigger an immune response in the body by recognizing and binding to specific antigens, thus combating pathogens.

    • • The Process of Discovering New Antibodies by Using Sequencing

      The identification and study of antibody sequences are important components of modern biomedical research. These antibody sequences can be used to develop vaccines, develop new treatment strategies, and even analyze the workings of the immune system. The basic process of discovering new antibodies through sequencing is as follows.

    • • Absolute Quantification of the Proteome

      Proteomic quantitative methods include relative quantification and absolute quantification. Relative quantification, also known as comparative proteomics, refers to comparing and analyzing the relative changes in protein expression levels in different physiological and pathological states of cells, tissues, or body fluids. Absolute quantification of proteomics measures the absolute amount or concentration of each protein in the cell, tissue, or body fluid proteome.

    • • Protein Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

      This passage talks about several commonly used methods for determining the types, structures, and functions of proteins.

    • • Isoelectric Focusing Electrophoresis to Determine Protein pI

      Proteins are ampholytes and their charges come from the ionized groups on the side chains of amino acids. These groups can dissociate in solutions at certain pH values, resulting in a net charge on the protein. When a protein solution is at a certain pH, the tendency for the protein to dissociate into positive and negative ions is equal, making it a zwitterion with a net charge of zero. This pH is known as the protein's isoelectric point (pI).

    • • ATR FT-IR Method for Analysis of Monosaccharide Composition

      ATR FT-IR method (Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) is an effective technique for analyzing monosaccharide composition. This technique utilizes the infrared absorption characteristics of specific functional groups in monosaccharide molecules to identify and quantify monosaccharides.

    • • The Significance of Herbal Medicine Testing for Heavy Metals

      Testing for heavy metals in medicinal herbs is a crucial quality control measure and a key step in ensuring the safety of herbs, compliance with regulatory standards, and protecting public health.

    • • Arginine Modification Proteomics

      Proteomic studies of arginylation focus on investigating a specific post-translational modification, arginylation, on proteins. Arginine, also known as guanidinoarginine, is a semi-essential amino acid that can be obtained through diet and endogenous synthesis in adults, but may need to be directly consumed from food or supplements in infants and certain health conditions. Arginylation refers to the covalent attachment of an arginine residue to another amino acid residue on a protein.

    • • Methylation Protein Detection

      Methylation of proteins refers to the protein modifications that have undergone methylation. Methylation modification is crucial for cellular functions and signal transduction, involving the addition of methyl groups (CH₃) to specific amino acid residues of proteins. This modification can alter the function, location, stability, or interaction with other molecules of the protein. Methylation can affect the stability, activity, and interaction with other molecules of the protein.

    • • Application of Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange MS in Biology

      Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a powerful technique used for studying the structure and dynamics of proteins. In biological research, HDX-MS has various applications, including but not limited to the following description.

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