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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • KEGG Pathway Enrichment Analysis Using KOBAS Software

      KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) pathway enrichment analysis is a powerful bioinformatics tool extensively used in genomics and proteomics research to identify functional distributions within gene or protein sets. KOBAS software, known for its accuracy and efficiency in pathway annotation and enrichment, is a preferred tool for large-scale omics data analysis.   The KEGG database offers comprehensive information on biological pathways, including metabolic pathways, signaling cascades......

    • • Detection of Peptides Using HPLC

      High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an analytical technique widely used for separating, detecting, and quantifying compounds. In recent years, HPLC has been extensively applied in the detection and quantification of peptides, particularly due to its excellent performance in separating peptides within complex sample mixtures. Peptides, as fragments of proteins, are significant in various biological research and biopharmaceutical fields due to their structural diversity.

    • • Detection of Protein Biomarkers Using Olink PEA

      Protein biomarkers refer to protein molecules that reflect specific states of an organism, playing a crucial role in early disease diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic monitoring. With the rapid advancement of proteomics technologies, research on protein biomarkers has garnered significant attention.

    • • Comparative Analysis of Differential Protein Expression Using Proteomic Methods

      Proteins play a central role in biological systems, serving as essential components for structural and functional processes. Variations in the expression levels of specific proteins are closely associated with cellular physiological adjustments. By leveraging proteomic methods, researchers can systematically detect and quantify protein changes across various conditions, providing insights into underlying molecular mechanisms.   Proteomics investigates the composition, structure, function, and interact......

    • • Analysis of Chemical Proteomics Using Activity-Based Probes

      Chemical proteomics is a research field aimed at uncovering the functions, activities, and roles of proteins in biological processes. As proteomic technologies have evolved, activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) has emerged as a powerful tool for studying the activity states of proteins and mechanisms of drug action. ABPP employs chemical probes that selectively bind to specific active sites on proteins, allowing for the targeted labeling, enrichment, and identification of active proteins.

    • • Procedure for Target Identification in Chemical Proteomics

      Chemical proteomics is an interdisciplinary field that combines chemical tools with proteomics methods to study the interactions between chemical compounds and proteins. Through chemical proteomics, researchers can identify potential protein targets that interact with specific compounds in biological samples. This approach has wide applications in drug discovery, new drug development, and biomarker identification.

    • • Chemical Proteomics Analysis Using the DARTS Method

      Chemical proteomics is a crucial technology for studying the interactions between small molecules and proteins. It provides key scientific insights for drug discovery, target validation, and biomarker research. Among various chemical proteomics approaches, DARTS (Drug Affinity Responsive Target Stability) is an efficient and label-free method widely used for exploring the interactions between compounds and protein targets.

    • • Selection and Application of Molecular Weight Distribution Methods in Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry

      In the field of biopharmaceuticals, accurate determination of the molecular weight is crucial to ensure the quality and stability of biologics. Chemical cross-linking mass spectrometry, as an important analytical technique, is widely used in the research and development of biologics. This article will delve into the selection and application of molecular weight distribution measurement methods in chemical cross-linking mass spectrometry, to help you understand the charm of this key technology.

    • • High-Throughput Proteomics

      With the development of high-throughput proteomics technology, we are able to analyze the complexity and functionality of the proteome more quickly and comprehensively. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the concept and methods of high-throughput proteomics, with a focus on how this technology accelerates the analysis of proteome complexity and functionality, as well as its importance and application value in biomedical research.

    • • How Does Flow Mass Spectrometry Analyze Metabolites in Complex Samples

      Research in the field of biopharmaceuticals requires in-depth analysis of the composition of metabolites in complex samples. Accurate analysis of metabolite composition is crucial for understanding the chemical processes within organisms, disease mechanisms, and drug development. In the past few decades, the rapid development of flow mass spectrometry technology has provided a powerful tool for metabolomics research.

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