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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • What Analysis Can Be Performed on Protein Sequencing Results?

      After obtaining the protein sequencing results, various analyses can be performed. These analyses help to reveal the function, structure, interactions and roles of the protein in the organism. The commonly used types of analysis mainly include:   1. Sequence Alignment Align with known protein sequences to identify homologous proteins, which helps to infer protein function and evolutionary relationships.   2. Functional Domain and Active Site Prediction Identify functional domains and active sites in protein

    • • Can Protein Mass Spec Analysis Determine Amino Acid Aequences?

      Protein mass spectrometry analysis: An effective tool for obtaining amino acid sequences of proteins. Proteins are one of the most important functional molecules in living organisms, performing functions such as catalyzing biochemical reactions, constructing cellular structures, and regulating biological activities. Therefore, understanding the relationship between protein structure and function is crucial for biological and medical research.

    • • Determination of Collagen Molecular Weight

      Collagen molecular weight determination is a technique used to determine the molecular weight of collagen, a complex protein. Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in animals and is mainly found in the skin, bones, tendons, and connective tissues. Accurate determination of collagen molecular weight is of great significance in biomedical and cosmetic industries due to its critical role in cellular structure and tissue regeneration.

    • • Application of TMT Labeling in Quantitative Proteomics Detection

      TMT (Tandem Mass Tag) labeling-based quantitative proteomics is an advanced mass spectrometry technique used to analyze and quantify protein expression differences in different samples. The core of this technique involves labeling protein samples with TMT tags. During this process, protein samples from different conditions or treatments are individually labeled with different TMT tags.

    • • Protein Thermal Stability Analysis (CETSA)

      Protein thermal stability analysis (CETSA, Cellular Thermal Shift Assay) is an experimental technique used to measure the thermal stability of proteins in cells. This technique is based on the core principle that proteins exhibit different stability at different temperatures, which can be determined by assessing whether the protein remains soluble in cells after heating. CETSA can be used to study the physical properties of proteins and evaluate the interaction between drugs and their target proteins.

    • • mRNA Capping Rate Detection

      mRNA capping efficiency detection is an experimental process used to evaluate the frequency and efficiency of cap structure addition at the 5' end of messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules. This cap structure is a special chemical modification that is crucial for the stability and translation efficiency of mRNA.

    • • Infrared Spectroscopy is Used for Protein Sample Analysis

      Infrared spectroscopy analysis is a very important analytical technique widely used in fields such as chemistry, biology, and materials science. It is based on the principle of molecular absorption of specific wavelengths of infrared light, resulting in vibrational energy level transitions, thus obtaining molecular structural information of the sample. Proteins, as important macromolecules in living organisms, are essential for understanding biological processes.

    • • How to lnterpret an lnfrared Spectrum

      The infrared spectrum is a technique that identifies chemical substances by analyzing the changes in the vibration frequency of chemical bonds in molecules. Analyzing an IR spectrum primarily involves identifying characteristic absorption peaks, which correspond to the vibration frequencies of different functional groups in the molecule.

    • • Dynamic Light Scattering Particle Size Analyzer Data Export

      Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) particle size analyzer is an instrument used to measure the size distribution of nanoparticles. The general steps for data export are as follows.

    • • Protein Thermal Stability Detection Methods

      Protein thermal stability testing is an important method to evaluate the stability of proteins at different temperatures, mainly used to study the relationship between protein structure and function.

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