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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Quantitative Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions Using SILAC and MS

      Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play a crucial role in cellular signaling, metabolic regulation, and gene expression control. Investigating these interactions not only aids in understanding the fundamental mechanisms of biological processes but also provides potential targets for drug development.

    • • GST Pull-Down Assay Combined with Mass Spectrometry for Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis

      Protein-protein interactions (PPI) are integral to numerous cellular processes and functions. Elucidating these interactions is critical not only for understanding biological mechanisms but also for identifying potential drug targets. Among the various methods employed for PPI analysis, the integration of GST pull-down technology with mass spectrometry (MS) stands out as a robust approach, enabling precise identification and characterization of protein interactions.

    • • Principle of Post-Translational Modification Analysis

      Post-Translational Modification (PTM) refer to the chemical modifications that proteins undergo after translation, either through enzymatic or non-enzymatic processes. PTM significantly influence protein structure, function, and interactions, serving as a key mechanism for regulating cellular biological processes.

    • • Mechanism of 4D-DIA Quantitative Proteomics

      4D-DIA (Four-Dimensional Data-Independent Acquisition) quantitative proteomics is a cutting-edge technology that has gained prominence in recent years. By integrating high-resolution mass spectrometry, time, ion mobility, and data-independent acquisition, this approach enables the quantitative analysis of proteins in complex samples with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution.

    • • Application of 4D-DIA Quantitative Proteomics

      The development of proteomics technologies has provided powerful tools for biological research, particularly in understanding the molecular mechanisms of complex biological systems. 4D-DIA (Four-Dimensional Data-Independent Acquisition) is an emerging technique in quantitative proteomics that combines multidimensional chromatography separation with high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis. This approach enables highly accurate and high-throughput analysis of protein expression and modifications.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of 4D-DIA Quantitative Proteomics

      In proteomics research, Data-Dependent Acquisition (DDA) and Data-Independent Acquisition (DIA) are two commonly employed mass spectrometry techniques. Recently, 4D-DIA (Four-Dimensional Data-Independent Acquisition) quantitative proteomics has garnered significant attention from the research community. This method not only leverages the strengths of traditional DIA but also introduces ion mobility as a fourth dimension, thereby enhancing the accuracy and resolution of quantitative proteomic analyses.

    • • Workflow of 4D-DIA Quantitative Proteomics

      4D-DIA (Four-Dimensional Data-Independent Acquisition) is a cutting-edge technique in modern proteomics. This approach integrates liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics to conduct high-throughput, high-precision quantitative analysis of proteins in complex biological samples. By incorporating a time dimension, 4D-DIA surpasses traditional DIA methods, enabling higher resolution data acquisition and analysis.

    • • Principle of 4D-DIA Quantitative Proteomics

      Proteomics systematically examines the composition, structure, and function of proteins within cells, tissues, or organisms. Quantitative proteomics is essential for uncovering protein expression changes, interactions, and functions. 4D-DIA (Four-Dimensional Data-Independent Acquisition) has recently emerged as a cutting-edge quantitative proteomics technique, renowned for its high sensitivity, coverage, and precision.

    • • From Sample to Result: Comprehensive Protein MS Analysis

      Proteins are one of the most fundamental functional molecules in living organisms, participating in nearly every biological process. Understanding the composition, structure, and function of proteins is crucial to understanding the basic principles of life. Proteomics technologies, as a powerful analytical tool, can help scientists deeply study the characteristics and functions of proteins.

    • • Antibody Drug PTM Analysis: Oxidation and Deamidation

      Antibody drugs are a class of drugs that treat diseases by artificially synthesizing antibodies, such as monoclonal antibodies, artificially synthesized antibody fragments, immunotoxins, and antibody-drug conjugates. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins refer to the chemical modifications that occur during or after protein translation. They play a crucial role in cellular processes such as cell differentiation, protein degradation, signal transduction, and protein-protein interactions.

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