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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Protein Mass Spectrometry Analysis: A New Perspective on Peptide Structure Identification

      Proteins are the most basic molecular machines in living organisms, playing a crucial role in the structure and function of cells. Understanding the structure and function of proteins is of great importance for a deeper understanding of biological processes and the development of new bio-drugs. Protein mass spectrometry analysis, as a powerful technical means, provides us with a comprehensive and efficient method to study the structure and function of proteins.

    • • How to Analyze Protein Mass Spectrometry Data from Excel Results?

      Proteomics is a crucial biological analysis technique, employed for the study of protein composition, structure, and function. In proteomics experiments, we usually generate a large volume of raw data, most commonly in the form of Excel spreadsheets. This article will guide you through the analysis of proteomics sequencing data from Excel results, aiding you in better understanding and utilizing this data.

    • • Application Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing Technology in Antibody Research

      Antibodies are an essential component of the field of biopharmaceuticals, with extensive application prospects. However, traditional antibody research methods can only provide information at a holistic level, unable to reveal heterogeneity between different cells.

    • • Protein Structure Characterization Techniques: From Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Peptide Identification

      Proteins are one of the most basic functional molecules in living organisms, and their structure is closely related to their function. Understanding the structure of proteins is of great significance for revealing their functions, studying the mechanisms of diseases and developing drugs.

    • • Comprehensive Exploration of MRM Mass Spectrometry Detection Technology: From Theory to Practice

      Biotechnological drug development has always been one of the crucial sectors of the pharmaceutical industry. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, drug development is also constantly innovating and developing. Among them, the MRM mass spectrometry detection technology, a type of quantitative mass spectrometry, plays an essential role in drug development.

    • • MRM and SRM Technology Advantages Analysis: Accurate Quantitative New Choices

      The development of biopharmaceuticals requires accurate and reliable quantitative analysis methods to evaluate the efficacy and safety of drugs. Traditional drug analysis methods have some limitations, such as lack of sensitivity, selectivity, and accuracy. However, with the development of mass spectrometry technology, MRM (Multiple Reaction Monitoring) and SRM (Selective Reaction Monitoring) technologies have become new choices for precise quantification.

    • • Mechanism of SWATH-Based Protein Quantification

      SWATH (Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical Mass Spectra) is an advanced technique for protein quantification widely employed in proteomics research. Compared to traditional methods, SWATH offers high throughput, strong reproducibility, and comprehensive proteome coverage.

    • • Application of SWATH-Based Protein Quantification

      SWATH (Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical Fragment Ion Spectra) is a powerful, high-throughput mass spectrometry technique that allows comprehensive capture and analysis of all measurable proteins in a single experiment. Compared to traditional Data-Dependent Acquisition (DDA) methods, SWATH significantly enhances data coverage and reproducibility, making it a popular choice in proteomics.

    • • Workflow of SWATH-Based Protein Quantification

      SWATH (Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical Mass Spectra) is a state-of-the-art method widely employed in proteomics research for protein quantification. By capturing the complete set of possible peptide mass spectra data, SWATH enables highly accurate and reproducible quantitative analyses. The following is a detailed overview of the SWATH-based protein quantification workflow.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of SWATH-Based Protein Quantification

      With the continuous advancement of proteomics research, quantitative proteomics techniques have become essential for studying protein functions and interactions. Among these techniques, SWATH (Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical Mass Spectra)-based protein quantification has gained significant prominence due to its unique advantages. However, like any technology, it also has its limitations.

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