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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Interpreting Biotechnology: The Meaning of HCP Detection

      Host Cell Protein (HCP) detection in the field of biotechnology is a crucial task that plays a key role in ensuring the purity, quality, and safety of biological products. This article will delve into the meaning, principles, methods, applications, and importance of HCP detection in the biotechnology field.

    • • Considerations of Sample Amount in Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy

      Circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) requires relatively smaller sample amounts compared to other analytical methods. However, the specific sample amount needed depends on various factors.

    • • Circular Dichroism Study of α-Helical Structures

      Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a technique particularly suited for studying protein secondary structure, including α-helices, β-sheets, and random coils. This technique is based on the differential absorption of left and right circularly polarized light by molecules, which is related to their three-dimensional structure.

    • • Bioanalysis of Antibody-Drug Conjugates

      Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) have become a hot topic in cancer treatment research in recent years. ADCs are composed of a specific tumor antigen-targeting antibody and a highly potent cytotoxic drug connected through a stable linker. The design concept of ADCs is to utilize the high specificity of antibodies to precisely target the drug to tumor cells, thereby reducing toxicity to normal cells.

    • • Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy: Sample Requirements Analysis

      Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, also known as circular birefringence spectroscopy, is a spectroscopic technique primarily used for studying the three-dimensional structure of biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. It is based on the principle that molecules exhibit different degrees of absorption for left- and right-circularly polarized light.

    • • Application of HPLC in Protein Purity Analysis

      Proteins play a critical role in biological research and biopharmaceuticals. The purity of proteins is a crucial factor that influences both functional studies and clinical applications. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), a vital analytical technique, is extensively employed in the analysis of protein purity.

    • • Workflow of HPLC Protein Purity Analysis

      High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an analytical technique widely employed in biochemistry, particularly for protein purity analysis. With its high efficiency and precise separation capabilities, HPLC serves as a reliable tool for detecting and quantifying impurities and degradation products in protein samples.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of HPLC in Protein Purity Analysis

      High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a sophisticated technique widely employed in protein purity analysis. It works by separating, detecting, and quantifying proteins through the passage of a liquid mobile phase under high pressure through a packed column. HPLC is of significant importance in fields such as biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, particularly in protein purity analysis. However, HPLC is not without its drawbacks.

    • • Principle of HPLC in Protein Purity Analysis

      High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a critical technique in biochemistry, especially for analyzing protein purity. HPLC separates and analyzes sample components by exploiting their different affinities between the stationary phase and the mobile phase.

    • • Mechanism of Protein Analysis by HPLC

      High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an advanced separation technique widely employed in protein analysis, prized for its high resolution, sensitivity, and rapid analytical capabilities. By leveraging the distinct interactions between protein molecules and the stationary and mobile phases, HPLC enables effective separation and quantification through several different mechanisms.

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