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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Mechanism of Unknown Proteins Sequencing

      Sequencing unknown proteins is a critical task in the fields of biology and biotechnology, involving the accurate identification and decoding of the amino acid sequences of unknown proteins from complex biological samples. This work is crucial not only for fundamental research but also holds significant potential applications in drug development, genetic engineering, and disease diagnosis.

    • • Mechanism of Antibody Sequencing

      Antibodies are essential defense mechanisms of the immune system, characterized by their high specificity and diversity. Understanding the sequence information of antibodies is crucial for biomedical research and clinical applications. Antibody sequencing, which deciphers the amino acid sequences of antibodies, is a pivotal technology.

    • • Application of Antibody Sequencing

      Antibodies are crucial components of the immune system, specifically recognizing and neutralizing foreign antigens. In recent years, with the advancement of biotechnology, antibody sequencing technology has rapidly emerged, demonstrating extensive application prospects in various fields.

    • • Workflow of Antibody Sequencing

      Antibody sequencing refers to the determination of the amino acid sequence of an antibody to understand its structure and function. This technique is crucial in antibody drug development, disease diagnosis, and basic research. The workflow of antibody sequencing includes sample preparation, antibody enrichment, protein digestion, peptide separation, mass spectrometry analysis, and data analysis. Each step is detailed below.

    • • The Principle of Antibody Sequencing

      Antibodies are essential components of the immune system, recognizing and binding to specific antigens to protect the body from pathogens. Antibody sequencing, a technique to determine the amino acid sequence of antibody molecules, is widely used in biomedical research, drug development, and diagnostics.

    • • Mechanism of N-Terminal Sequencing

      N-terminal sequencing allows scientists to identify the sequence of the N-terminal amino acids in proteins or peptides. The process of N-terminal sequencing involves two primary stages: labeling and sequence analysis, predominantly using the Edman degradation method.

    • • Application of N-Terminal Sequencing

      In the field of proteomics, N-terminal sequencing not only assists scientists in verifying sequence data of proteins but also provides insights into their functions, modifications, and connections to various diseases. N-terminal sequencing is primarily conducted using the Edman degradation process.

    • • Workflow of N-Terminal Sequencing

      The initial phase of N-terminal sequencing involves rigorous sample preparation. This process typically requires protein extraction, purification, and concentration to ensure that the protein samples are sufficiently pure and concentrated. Techniques commonly employed include centrifugation, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography, each chosen based on the specific requirements of the sample.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of N-Terminal Sequencing

      N-terminal sequencing faces difficulties with complex samples. Impurities and interfering substances in protein samples can affect the accuracy and sensitivity of mass spectrometry. The complexity of sample purification and pretreatment also increases experimental difficulty.

    • • Principle of N-Terminal Sequencing

      The N-terminal sequence of proteins is significant in many biological processes, such as protein processing, localization, and degradation. Accurate determination of the N-terminal sequence is essential for understanding these functions. Traditional methods like Edman degradation have been widely used but possess limitations.

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