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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • N-Glycosylation Site Analysis

      N-glycosylation is an important protein modification, mainly involving the covalent bond connection between the nitrogen atom of amino acids on proteins and sugar molecules. N-glycosylation typically occurs on the nitrogen atom of asparagine, with the specific sequence pattern being Asn-X-Ser/Thr, where X is any amino acid except proline.

    • • Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy for Protein Determination

      Circular Dichroism (CD) is a spectroscopic measurement based on the optical isomerism of plane-polarized light by optically active substances. When plane-polarized light passes through an optically active substance, its two orthogonal oscillation components are absorbed differently, resulting in elliptically polarized light.   CD spectra provide information on the structure and conformational changes of proteins, polypeptides, and other optically active molecules.

    • • Ubiquitination Site Detection

      Ubiquitination site detection is an analytical technique used in biological research to identify specific amino acid residues on protein molecules that undergo ubiquitination modification. Ubiquitination is a common protein modification process, where ubiquitin protein covalently attaches to specific residues of the target protein, usually lysine residues.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of Peptide Mass Fingerprinting

      Peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) is a cornerstone technique in the field of proteomics, enabling the identification and characterization of proteins with remarkable precision. This method relies on mass spectrometry to generate a unique peptide mass pattern from protein digests, which is then matched against theoretical spectra in protein databases. While PMF has significantly advanced our ability to study proteomes, it is not without its limitations.

    • • Peptide Mapping Guide: Comprehensive Steps from Prep to Data Analysis

      Peptide mapping is a critical step in protein research, used to identify the amino acid sequence of a protein, confirm its primary structure, detect variations and modifications, and verify the consistency and purity of biotechnological products.

    • • Using HPLC to Detect Sialic Acid Content in Bird's Nest

      Bird's nest, particularly one of its main components, sialic acid, has long been considered to offer various health benefits, including boosting the immune system, improving skin health, and promoting cell regeneration. However, there is no fixed standard for the exact sialic acid content in bird's nest, as it can vary depending on factors such as the source, type (e.g., purity and color), processing methods, and storage conditions.

    • • Exploring Biological Structures: Circular Dichroism Experiment

      Circular Dichroism (CD) is a spectroscopic technique widely used in the study of the structure of biomacromolecules, particularly proteins and nucleic acids.

    • • Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Analysis of Protein Secondary Structure

      Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a widely used method for studying the secondary structure and its changes of proteins. By analyzing the CD spectrum of a protein, the approximate composition and distribution of its secondary structure can be obtained.

    • • Application of Unknown Proteins Sequencing

      Proteins are among the most diverse and complex molecules in living organisms, participating in almost all life processes. As proteomics advances, studying unknown proteins has become a major area of life science research. Unknown Protein Sequencing (UPS) is a method used to identify and analyze unknown proteins, helping to understand the basic functions of organisms and having broad applications in disease diagnosis, drug development, and biotechnology.

    • • Workflow of Unknown Proteins Sequencing

      Proteins are essential molecules in living organisms, fulfilling roles in structure, catalysis, signaling, and more. To fully understand the functions of proteins and their roles in biological processes, protein sequence analysis is a crucial step.

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