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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Mechanism of Protein Structure Identification

      Proteins are among the most important biological macromolecules in living organisms, performing a wide range of functions, including catalyzing chemical reactions, transmitting signals, and providing structural support. The functionality of proteins depends on their three-dimensional structures, making the determination of protein structures crucial in biological research. This article explores several common techniques for protein structure determination and their underlying mechanisms.

    • • Principle of Protein Secondary Structure Analysis

      Proteins are among the most crucial biomolecules in living organisms, involved in nearly every cellular process and function. Understanding protein structure is vital for uncovering its functions. Protein structure is divided into four levels: primary structure (amino acid sequence), secondary structure (local folding patterns such as α-helices and β-sheets), tertiary structure (the three-dimensional shape of the entire polypeptide chain)

    • • Application of Protein Structure Identification

      Proteins are the fundamental functional units of living organisms, responsible for catalyzing biochemical reactions, signal transduction, and constructing cellular structures, among other functions. Understanding the structure of proteins is crucial for comprehending their functions, mechanisms, and relationships with diseases. Protein structure identification is a key scientific technique with wide-ranging and profound impacts.

    • • Workflow of Protein Structure Identification

      Proteins are among the most crucial molecules in biological systems, involved in almost all cellular functions. Understanding protein structure is essential for revealing their functional mechanisms. The workflow for protein structure determination typically involves several key steps: protein extraction, purification, crystallization, data collection, and structure analysis.

    • • Principle of Protein Structure Identification

      Proteins, as fundamental functional units of living organisms, are essential in understanding biological processes and developing new drugs. Protein structure determination is a key approach to elucidate protein functions. This article will detail the principles and methods of protein structure determination.

    • • Principle of Gel and IP Sample Protein Identification

      Protein identification is a fundamental aspect of biochemistry and molecular biology, essential for understanding protein structure, function, and interactions. Two widely used techniques for protein identification are gel electrophoresis and immunoprecipitation (IP). These methods offer distinct yet complementary approaches to isolate and analyze proteins, providing invaluable insights into cellular processes and disease mechanisms.

    • • Mechanism of Macromolecular Mass Measurement

      Macromolecular mass measurement is a cornerstone of modern scientific research, essential for elucidating the structure, function, and interactions of large molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and synthetic polymers. Accurate measurement of these macromolecules’ mass is critical across various disciplines, including biochemistry, molecular biology, and materials science.

    • • Application of Macromolecular Mass Measurement

      Macromolecular mass measurement is a pivotal technique in modern science, providing invaluable insights into the structure, function, and interactions of large molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and synthetic polymers. This article explores the diverse applications of macromolecular mass measurement across various scientific fields, emphasizing its importance in advancing research and development.

    • • Principle of Macromolecular Mass Measurement

      Accurate mass measurement of macromolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and synthetic polymers, is fundamental in biochemistry, molecular biology, and materials science. Understanding the mass of these macromolecules provides insights into their structure, function, and interactions.

    • • Mechanism of Protein Molecular Weight Determination by MS

      Protein molecular weight determination is a cornerstone in the field of proteomics, aiding in the identification and characterization of proteins. Mass spectrometry (MS) has emerged as a pivotal technique for this purpose, offering high sensitivity, accuracy, and speed.

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