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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Workflow of 2D Blue Native/SDS-PAGE Protein Complex Analysis

      2D Blue Native/SDS-PAGE complex analysis is a robust technique for separating and analyzing protein complexes. It combines Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) with subsequent SDS-PAGE, providing detailed information about the native state and components of protein complexes in the same gel. This method is invaluable for elucidating protein interactions, complex structures, and functions.

    • • N-Glycan Profiling and Its Analysis Workflow

      N-glycan analysis is a method used to analyze glycan structures, especially when studying glycosylation on proteins or other biomolecules. Glycosylation (or glycation) is a common mode of biomolecular modification in cells, playing a key role in protein stability, activity, cell signaling, cell-cell interaction, and more.   N-glycan refers to the glycan chain attached to the asparagine nitrogen, which is a type of N-linked glycoprotein.

    • • Ubiquitination Identification Process of Tau Protein

      Tau protein is a microtubule-associated protein, mainly present in nerve cells, and participates in the stabilization of microtubules. In certain neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Tau protein may undergo abnormal phosphorylation and aggregation, forming so-called Tau tangles or neurofibrillary tangles.   Ubiquitination is a kind of post-translational modification of proteins, involving the linkage of one or more ubiquitin molecules to the target protein.

    • • DIA and SWATH

      SWATH (sequential window acquisition of full theoretical mass spectra) and DIA (data independent acquisition) are two mass spectrometry techniques mainly used in proteomics research. They are both data-independent acquisition strategies, which are different from traditional data-dependent acquisition (DDA, Data-Dependent Acquisition) methods.   SWATH (Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical Mass Spectra)

    • • Peptide Spectrum Analysis

      Peptide spectrum analysis is a key concept in mass spectrometry, mainly used for the identification of proteins and their degradation products - peptides. In mass spectrometry analysis, protein samples are first hydrolyzed into smaller peptides by enzymes (such as trypsin), and then these peptides are analyzed by mass spectrometry.

    • • Co-Immunoprecipitation Detection of Protein Ubiquitination

      Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) is an experimental technique used to detect the interaction between a protein and other proteins. When it comes to detecting protein ubiquitination, Co-IP can be used to determine whether the target protein is ubiquitinated, and its interaction with ubiquitin protein.

    • • What Is the Concept of Proteomics?

      Proteomics is a rapidly advancing field within molecular biology that focuses on the large-scale study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions. The term "proteome" refers to the entire set of proteins produced or modified by an organism or system. Proteomics encompasses various techniques to analyze the proteome, aiming to understand protein functions, interactions, and their role in biological processes.

    • • Sample Preparation for Protein Analysis

      Protein analysis plays a pivotal role in the field of proteomics, offering insights into the functional dynamics of cellular processes. Accurate protein characterization hinges on meticulous sample preparation, which is fundamental for obtaining reliable and reproducible results. This article delves into the critical aspects of sample preparation for protein analysis, emphasizing its significance in the realm of biological research.

    • • Chromatography Sample Preparation

      Chromatography is a powerful technique used by scientists to separate and analyze complex mixtures, with applications ranging from pharmaceuticals to environmental science. The process of preparing samples for chromatography is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable results. Let's delve into the fascinating world of chromatography sample preparation and explore why it is so important.

    • • How to Prepare Sample for Mass Spectrometry?

      Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful analytical technique used to measure the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. It plays a critical role in various fields, including proteomics, metabolomics, and drug discovery. Proper sample preparation is essential for obtaining accurate and reproducible results in MS. This article outlines the key steps involved in preparing samples for mass spectrometry, emphasizing the importance of each step in ensuring data quality and reliability.

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