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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Fundamentals of Infrared Spectroscopy and Spectrum Analysis

      Infrared spectroscopy (IR) is an experimental technique widely used in the fields of chemistry, biology, and materials science. Its basic principle is that chemical bonds in molecules absorb infrared radiation at specific frequencies, resulting in vibrational motion of the bonds. Infrared spectra display the specific frequencies at which a material absorbs infrared radiation.

    • • Number of Replicate Samples in Epigenomics Experiments

      In epigenomic experiments, parallel samples are used to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of experimental results. The choice of the number of parallel samples depends on various factors, including experimental design, expected variability, and data analysis methods.

    • • Analysis of mRNA 5' Capping Rate in Brain Tissue

      The 5' cap of mRNA in brain tissue is a crucial biological process that is essential for regulating gene expression and cellular function. The 5' cap structure of mRNA not only protects mRNA from degradation by exogenous nucleases, but also facilitates its nuclear export, localization, and translation. This regulation is particularly important in the nervous system as it affects neuronal signaling, neuronal cell survival, and overall brain function.

    • • Sample Preparation and Submission Guide for Proteomics Research

      Proteomics research requires following certain guidelines and steps for sample submission to ensure sample quality and accuracy of analysis results. The following are general guidelines for sample preparation and submission: Sample Preparation: Ensure sample representativeness and sufficient quantity. Use appropriate buffer and inhibitors to extract proteins, avoiding protein degradation and modifications. Remove cell debris and insoluble material through centrifugation or filtration.

    • • Overview of Label-Free Proteomics Experimental Workflow

      Label-free proteomics is a method for analyzing protein expression without the need for pre-labeling samples. The advantages of this method include its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and applicability to a wide range of sample types.

    • • Dia Proteomics

      DIA (Data-Independent Acquisition Proteomics) proteomics is an advanced mass spectrometry technique used for in-depth protein analysis. Compared to the traditional Data-Dependent Acquisition (DDA) method, DIA technology provides higher coverage and quantification accuracy in proteomic research, allowing researchers to analyze proteins in samples more comprehensively. The core of DIA proteomics lies in its mass spectrometry acquisition mode.

    • • N-Terminal Protein Sequencing Methods and Applications Overview

      N-terminal protein sequencing is a method used to determine the amino acid sequence at the beginning of a protein or peptide chain. Accurate amino acid sequence information is essential for studying protein structure and function.

    • • N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequencing and Edman Degradation Overview

      N-terminal sequencing of amino acids is a technique used to determine the sequence of several amino acid residues at the N-terminal (amino end) of a protein or peptide. This method is particularly important in protein identification and characterization, especially in biochemical and molecular biology research. Edman degradation is the most commonly used method for N-terminal sequencing of amino acids.

    • • Generalized Proteomics SILAC

      Ubiquitin proteomics and its SILAC methodUbiquitin proteomics is an important part of the relevant research field, and its role in biology, pathology, pharmacology, and other aspects is increasingly prominent. This article will provide a detailed introduction to ubiquitin proteomics, focusing on the application of Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture (SILAC) technology.

    • • Plant SUMOylation

      SUMOylation is an important protein post-translational modification process in plants, playing a key role in regulating plant growth, development, and response to environmental stress. SUMO (Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier) is a small protein that affects the function of target proteins by covalently binding to them.

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