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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Acetylation Detection of Specific Proteins

      Acetylation detection of specific proteins is a method used to determine whether and at which sites proteins undergo acetylation modification. Acetylation is a common post-translational modification of proteins, usually occurring on the lysine residues of proteins, and is of significant importance for regulating protein function, cellular signal transduction, gene expression, and disease occurrence.

    • • Phosphorylation Detection of Phosphate Oxidation

      Phosphorylation of oxygen is the process by which mitochondria generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the cell respiratory chain. It is a crucial step in cellular energy metabolism. During this process, electrons are transferred from one carrier to another through a series of redox reactions and ultimately passed on to oxygen to form water. The energy produced during this electron transfer process is used to transfer phosphate groups to ADP (adenosine diphosphate) to generate ATP.

    • • Acetylation Detection Method

      Acetylation detection is a crucial biochemical analysis used to study the acetylation status of proteins and other biomolecules. Acetylation refers to the attachment of an acetyl group (-COCH₃) to a molecule, which commonly occurs on the lysine residues of proteins. This post-translational modification is essential for regulating protein function, structure, and interactions. This article presents several major acetylation detection methods and their detailed explanations.

    • • Acetylation Proteomics

      Acetylation proteomics is an increasingly important branch in biology, focusing on the key post-translational modification process of protein acetylation. This modification plays a crucial role in regulating protein function, influencing cellular signal transduction, controlling gene expression, and even participating in the occurrence and development of diseases.

    • • Fungal Histone Peptide Figure Analysis

      Histones are the main protein components of the chromatin in eukaryotes, affecting gene expression and regulation by binding to DNA. As an important kind of organism widely existing in nature, the study of the histones and related proteins in the mycelium of fungi is of great significance in revealing their growth and development, pathogenicity, and interactions with the environment.

    • • Proteomics Sample Preparation Mechanism

      Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins, necessitates meticulous sample preparation to ensure accurate and reproducible results. The mechanisms involved in proteomics sample preparation are critical, as they directly influence the quality and reliability of downstream analyses. This article elucidates the key mechanisms and steps involved in the preparation of proteomics samples.

    • • Application of Proteomics

      The study of proteomics, an emergent frontier in biological sciences, has revolutionized our understanding of complex biological systems. Enabled by advanced analytical techniques, proteomics explores the structure, interactions, and functions of proteins, the primary agents of biological function and regulation. The application of proteomics spans various branches of biological sciences.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of Proteomics Sample Preparation

      Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins, relies heavily on the meticulous preparation of samples to ensure reliable and accurate results. The process of preparing proteomics samples involves several critical steps, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

    • • Workflow of Proteomics

      An Overview Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins, presents an indispensable avenue for understanding biological processes. This technology-intensive field has given rise to invaluable insights into the protein composition, structure, function, and interactions in cells, tissues, and organisms. This article provides a succinct overview of the workflow of proteomics. In the proteomics workflow, the first step is sample collection and preparation.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of Proteomics

      Advantages and Disadvantages of Proteomics Introduction Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins, is an essential aspect of biology and biomedical science. It aims to understand the structure, function, and interactions of all proteins in a biological system. Proteomics is considered a powerful tool that provides important insights into complex biological phenomena, from understanding disease mechanisms to discovering novel therapeutic targets.

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