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    • • Acyl CoAs

      MtoZ Biolabs offers specialized Acyl-CoA analysis services, combining advanced mass spectrometry technology with cutting-edge bioinformatics tools to deliver accurate and reliable quantitative analysis of Acyl-CoA, supporting scientific research and applications.

    • • Carotenoids

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for carotenoids analysis. These advanced technologies combine efficient UPLC and GC separation with high-sensitivity MS/MS detection, ensuring accurate identification and quantification of various carotenoids and their metabolites in complex biological samples.

    • • Carnitines

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) for carnitine analysis. This advanced technology combines efficient UPLC separation with high-sensitivity MS/MS detection, ensuring accurate identification and quantification of various carnitine compounds and their metabolites in complex biological samples.

    • • Carbohydrates

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for carbohydrate analysis. These advanced technologies combine efficient separation with high-sensitivity detection, ensuring accurate identification and quantification of various carbohydrates in complex biological samples.

    • • Targeted Metabolomics

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) for targeted metabolomics analysis. This advanced technology combines efficient UPLC separation with high-sensitivity MS/MS detection, ensuring accurate identification and quantification of various target metabolites in complex biological samples.

    • • Fatty acids

      Fatty Acids Metabolomics Services Fatty acids are carboxylic acids with long aliphatic chains, which can be saturated or unsaturated. These molecules have crucial roles in the human body, ranging from being a major energy source to functioning as signaling molecules. The balance of fatty acids in the human body is highly essential and any disruption could lead to various pathological conditions such as metabolic disorders, inflammatory diseases, and cancer. Our Services At MtoZ Biolabs, our team of ......

    • • Flavones

      Flavones Metabolomics Service Flavones are a class of flavonoids, which are a type of polyphenolic plant secondary metabolite. They commonly act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and anticancer agents. Due to their widespread occurrence and diverse bioactivities, flavones have received significant attention in research fields such as pharmacology, food science, and agriculture. Analyzing the levels of flavones can provide valuable insights into the biological processes in which these compoun......

    • • Metal/Metallomics

      Metals in biological systems refer to various metal elements present in living organisms, which play crucial roles in life processes. These elements can be essential trace elements, such as iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium, which participate in various biochemical reactions to maintain normal biological functions. Conversely, toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic can cause toxicity and health issues when present in excess. Analyzing metal content in organisms allows for the detection

    • • Meat Biomarkers

      Biomarkers are indicators that can be objectively measured and evaluated to reflect normal biological processes, pathological conditions, or pharmacological responses. These indicators encompass molecules, biochemical substances, cells, genes, imaging, or physiological signals, which are capable of reflecting the body's health status, disease progression, or therapeutic outcomes. Meat biomarkers specifically refer to biological molecules or chemical components that indicate the quality, safety, and freshnes

    • • Lignans

      Lignin is a complex organic polymer that serves as a crucial component of plant cell walls, particularly in wood and bark. It is synthesized through enzyme-catalyzed polymerization reactions, primarily composed of phenylpropane monomers such as coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol, and p-coumaryl alcohol. Lignin can be categorized based on its structure and source into three types: (1) Softwood lignin, predominantly derived from coniferous trees, is rich in sinapyl alcohol monomers. (2) Hardwood lignin, prima

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