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    Sequencing Analysis

    • • Glycoprotein Structure Analysis Service

      Protein glycosylation, a key post-translational modification, plays an essential role in modulating protein functions. Despite its significance, the complexity of glycosylation continues to challenge its thorough characterization in proteomics. This modification is crucial for protein folding, modulating immune responses, and regulating interactions within biological systems. Notably, the variability in glycan chain lengths, their structural components, and the specificity at sialylation sites are of partic

    • • Glycan Analysis Service

      Glycosylation is a crucial post-translational modification of proteins, significantly influencing various physiological and pathological processes. It is implicated in diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, and congenital glycosylation deficiencies. Protein glycosylation primarily includes N-glycosylation and O-glycosylation. N-glycosylation involves the attachment of N-acetylglucosamine to an asparagine (Asn) residue within a specific Asn-X-Ser/Thr residues, where X can be any amino acid residue ex

    • • Acetylated Protein Analysis Service

      Acetylation is a post-translational modification (PTM) where an acetyl group (CH3CO) is enzymatically added to specific amino acid residues, typically lysine (Lys). This modification is mediated by acetyltransferases (HATs) and can be reversed by deacetylases (HDACs). Acetylation can modify protein function, structure, and interactions, impacting various cellular physiological processes.

    • • Sequence Variation Identification Between Monoclonal Antibodies and Generic Drugs Service

      MtoZ Biolabs has established an advanced antibody sequencing platform leveraging liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). This platform is designed to deliver highly accurate sequence variation identification services for both mAbs and generic drugs. Utilizing this technology, we can meticulously identify and quantify various PTMs such as glycosylation, phosphorylation, and oxidation, in addition to detecting low-abundance impurities and unexpected amino acids.

    • • Verification Service of Synthetic Peptide Sequence

      With the rapid advancements in biotechnology and bioengineering, the synthesis and application of peptides have become increasingly prevalent. Peptides are extensively used in cancer diagnosis and treatment, antibiotic drug development, epitope mapping, antibody production, and vaccine design. Compared to small molecule drugs, peptides exhibit higher potential in terms of efficacy, safety, and tolerability, gaining attention as promising drug candidates for various diseases.

    • • Antibody Light and Heavy Chain Variable Region Sequencing Service

      MtoZ Biolabs uses Thermo Fisher's Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometry platform combined with nano-liquid chromatography to deliver precise sequencing services for the VRs of antibody light chains and heavy chains. Our platform operates independently of pre-existing databases, capable of identifying and sequencing antibodies from various species, ensuring high-precision sequencing even for samples without genomic data.

    • • N-Terminal Sequencing (N-Terminal Unblocked) Service

      N-terminal sequencing is a key technique in protein sequence analysis, particularly for identifying the N-terminal amino acids. Despite the advancements in mass spectrometry, Edman degradation remains an irreplaceable method due to its precision in determining N-terminal sequences. MtoZ Biolabs offers specialized N-terminal sequencing services, providing researchers with high-quality protein sequence information to support biopharmaceutical and life science research.

    • • Validation Service of Cell Line Expression Products

      Stable cell lines are crucial for applications in recombinant protein and antibody production, drug screening, and gene function research. They can grow continuously, stably carry genetic modifications or express transgenes, and maintain consistent expression levels. Industrial production of recombinant proteins employs two main methods: transient transfection and stable transfection. Transient transfection is used in early drug development to produce small amounts of protein for activity or animal testing.

    • • IgA Antibody Sequencing Service

      Accurate sequencing of IgA antibodies is vital for advancing mucosal immunology, disease prevention, and biopharmaceuticals. MtoZ Biolabs provides cutting-edge IgA antibody sequencing services utilizing mass spectrometry (MS), integrated with comprehensive bioinformatics expertise. This combination guarantees high sensitivity and accuracy, significantly enhancing both research and clinical practices.

    • • Sequence Mutation Analysis Service of Proteins Expressed in Stable Cell Lines

      During the construction and storage of cell lines, minor sequence variations (SV) may occur in protein products, potentially altering biological activity and triggering immune responses, thus posing significant risks. Early detection and characterization of these variations are essential to ensure drug safety and efficacy. Advances in mass spectrometry (MS) technology enable the high-sensitivity detection of sequence variations. By integrating high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with tandem mass s

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