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    • • Protein Full-length Sequencing

      Protein full-length sequencing is a technique that uses mass spectrometry to fully sequence a protein. Full-length protein sequencing plays an important role in biological and medical research because it can provide comprehensive information about a protein, including its amino acid sequence, modification sites, and chemical modifications. Moreover, full-length protein sequencing can help us understand the function, structure, and interaction of proteins with other molecules.

    • • Native MS Analysis

      Native MS analysis is a spectrometry technique with an added ion source that can analyze large biomolecules and complexes under non-denaturing conditions. In native MS analysis, the sample is analyzed under conditions that are similar to the conditions inside the organism, thus preserving the native state of the sample. This technique has become an important tool for understanding the structure of proteins, nucleic acids, and sugars and their roles in complex biological processes.

    • • LC-MS Analysis of Pull-down Proteins

      LC-MS analysis of pull-down proteins combines the advantages of pull-down experiments and LC-MS for efficient, accurate, and reliable protein identification. Firstly, the target protein and its binding partners are enriched and separated from complex biological samples through pull-down experiments. Then, these proteins are enzymatically digested and eluted to get peptides. Finally, the peptides are separated and identified by LC-MS to obtain the identification and quantification information of proteins.

    • • Protein Mass Measurement

      MtoZ Biolabs provides macromolecular mass measurement service based on Bruker ultrafleXtreme™ MALDI TOF/TOF, and high-resolution protein mass measurement service via nano LC-MS. This service can be applied to accurately analyze the molecular mass, subunits, and dimerization/polymerization of multiple biotechnological molecules, including proteins, peptides, antibodies, and vaccines, etc.

    • • Antibody de novo seq

      MtoZ Biolabs offers expert de novo antibody sequencing services, using advanced mass spectrometry technology and bioinformatics tools to provide precise and comprehensive antibody sequence information, significantly supporting scientific research and applications.

    • • Protein De Novo Seq

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) for precise De Novo Protein Sequencing. This advanced technology combines efficient HPLC separation with sensitive MS/MS detection, ensuring accurate amino acid sequence determination in complex biological samples.

    • • De Novo Seq

      MtoZ Biolabs offers professional de novo sequencing services using advanced mass spectrometry technology and bioinformatics tools to deliver accurate and comprehensive protein sequence information.

    • • Histone Modifications

      MtoZ Biolabs offers histone modification analysis services using high-resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS). This technology comprehensively and accurately identifies and quantifies histone modifications, providing robust support for scientific research and drug development.

    • • Disulfide bond

      MtoZ Biolabs offers disulfide bond analysis services using advanced liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). This technology efficiently and accurately identifies and analyzes disulfide bonds in proteins, providing essential support for scientific research and drug development.

    • • Glyco-proteomics

      MtoZ Biolabs provides advanced glyco-proteomics services using advanced liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). This technology systematically analyzes glycosylation sites and their dynamic changes, helping scientists understand the biological significance of glycosylation and its role in diseases.

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